How to send money to anyone in the world, by only knowing their social handle.
Unexpected gifts are much more fun than expected gifts. Then why do I need to ask my favorite podcaster for his bank account before sending him a small donation? Wouldn’t it be cool if I could just send it to his Twitter account?
We are very proud to announce a Stellar Day, which enables you to do exactly this.
Step 1 — Download Keybase at keybase.io
You can send an unexpected gift to anyone on Twitter or Reddit using the Keybase app. Whether that’s your favorite podcaster, a charity, friend or family member.
Step 2 — Create your wallet and fund it
Create your wallet within the app and fund it with lumens (a cryptocurrency, like bitcoin). You can find out how to buy lumens here.
Step 3 — Send a donation
In the “people” tab find the person you are looking for, open a chat and send them a payment by clicking the $ icon in the bottom right corner. You can send to any username, even if that persons does not have Keybase installed yet.
Step 4 — Notify the receiver that you wish them a Stellar day
After sending a donation you should notify the receiver that a donation is waiting in the Keybase app. All they have to do is prove that the social media account is theirs.
The www.astellarday.com website can be used to explain how to do this. You could for example send a message like this:

Why you should wish someone a Stellar Day
Giving makes you feel good through the release of oxytocin. It obviously makes the receiver feel good. And it gets even better, giving is contagious! Researchers have found that giving can inspire others to do good as well, this can spread three degrees. Your gift can thus have a big impact!
A small, unexpected, gift may help you build stronger social connections and even jumpstart a cascade of generosity through your community. And don’t be surprised if you find yourself benefiting from a big dose of happiness in the process.
So, who are you wishing #aStellarDay?

Learn more about Stellar Network: https://learn.stellar.org/
How to buy Lumens: https://www.lumenauts.com/tutorials/how-to-buy-lumens-with-us-dollars
Receive 25$ worth of Stellar Lumens: https://www.blockchain.com/getcrypto
What is Stellar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixerXWJrDr0&spfreload=5
Stellar org homepage: https://www.stellar.org/
- This is a collaborative effort by (amongst others) Stellar community members Speakoespanglish, Spaceboatdvlp and myself (PickingUnicorns). A big thank you to everyone that has contributed, in particular to Spaceboatdvlp for creating a great landing page!